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STARS CGI & Partnerships Program Coordinator
Yanece is a native New Yorker with a deep passion for the betterment of youth and communities through education, sports, theater and arts education.
Her involvement in this endeavor spans a period of over ten years, working in the NYC school, after school and the arts education field. Her commitment and dedication has allowed her to develop programs and curriculum that impact students who are oftentimes not given the opportunity or access to these experiences. This has allowed Yanece the opportunity to work in and outside classrooms and community centers with NYC youth and families. This hands on approach through the years has given them the experience to develop programming and curriculum that truly benefits students, families and communities. Her leadership roles and community engagement in these areas have allowed thousands of students to pro-actively participate in community health events, the arts, performing, attending free theater and accessing free literature. This experience and exposure helps support, benefit, and enhance the lives of those who participate, especially in communities which appear to be strategically excluded. With a strong foundation and dedication, Yanece continues to strive for positive change with PowerPlay NYC!