July 11th, 2016


July 11th, 2016

SuperSTAR Alumni and member of our volunteer Data Squad, Bianca Garcia, stopped by our office to reflect back on her time in our SuperSTAR Leadership Academy and share some of her #majorkeys to success. Check it out below!

“I joined the leadership academy during the summer of 2014. I enjoyed everything that we got to experience that summer. The leadership academy introduced me to many things including various ways to be healthy. It gave me a experience that I know I wouldn’t get anywhere else. I will be entering my freshmen year at Guttman Community College. I’m hoping to study physical therapy. I’m really excited that I get to start fresh at a new school and that I get to meet new people and still try to find myself. I feel like college is all about recreating yourself into the person you want to be. I’m excited that I get to be more independent and take on more responsibility. Being in the program really helped me develop my leadership skills. One major key to success that I learned from SSLA was to never give up and fight for the things that I want and that a dream could be a reality if you just push yourself. Once I hit my second year in college I see myself taking on more leadership roles on campus. But, I want to make sure I have enough time to study before I do anything else.”

Perseverance, grit, and learning how to prioritize were some of Bianca’s major keys to success. What are some of yours? If you got the keys, drop some wisdom in our comment section below.

July 11, 2016