Meet Colleen, one of our 7 superSHEroes.
October 5th, 2015

Meet Colleen, one of our 7 superSHEroes.

October 5th, 2015

We’re getting closer to race-day. No better time to get to know another member of the PowerPlay team made up of 7 superstar females from around the globe running in the 2015 TCS New York City marathon this November 1. Our team is a group of passionate, strong role models for our girls. Find out a little bit more about why one of these powerful women, Colleen Raga, feels passionate about our cause.

“As a former NCAA athlete, I know first hand the impact that sports can have on the lives of young women. I learned many valuable lessons playing volleyball, but none more important than the simple face that nothing is impossible. Volleyball taught me that with the right coaching, hard work and dedication, I can accomplish anythign I set my mind to. It is this realization that inspired me to pursue my marathon aspirations and gives me the audacity to believe I am capable of running 26.2 miles.”

Thanks Colleen for sharing a little of your personal story. Stay tuned to read about the other women’s reasons for running!

In the meantime you can help add meaning to our team’s miles — your gifts create opportunities for girls to play hard and gain confidence in PowerPlay’s after-school and summer programs. Donate today!

October 5, 2015