PowerPlay NYC Prepped for Success
October 15th, 2014

PowerPlay NYC Prepped for Success

October 15th, 2014

The STARS Series programming is in full swing and PowerPlay NYC has made sure all of its awesome coaches are fully prepared. In an effort that some felt like was the equivalent of moving mountains, there are now  new  PowerPlay Coach Kits for everyone. These awesome tools include the essentials such as a first aid kit, and beach balls, as well as tape (for the ever present impromptu games of four square), and crayons. Now our coaches are all set to  have a great time with their girls, and are pretty much prepared for anything.

 The PowerPlay NYC Coach Kits are a necessary instrument in providing our girls with high quality programming. Someone once said “Preparation doesn’t assure victory, it assures confidence”. That couldn’t be more true, now our coaches can go confidently into their sites knowing that they have been prepped for almost anything! These awesome kits would not have been made possible if it wasn’t for the funding and donations we have received for the year. Thanks to everyone for making the PowerPlay team dream realized, and adding to the oh-so-stylish PowerPlay NYC swag closet!

October 15, 2014